Friday, November 26, 2010

Animal Signs of Chinese Astrology and the Years They Represent



1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.


1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.


1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998.


1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.


1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000.


1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001.


1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002.


1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003.


1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004.


1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005.


1919, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.


1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Animals of the Chinese Zodiac - RABBIT

1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.
5am to 7am (05:00 to 06:59)
Lucky for:
* exercise
* planning your day, finances and business affairs
* looking at long-term goals and priorities
* lovemaking and fertility
gregarious, gossipers, home-loving, hoarders, intelligence, elusiveness, wily, quiet, wise, docile, astute, thoughtful, refined, conservative, self-preservation.
cunning, fussy, possessive, obsessive, snobbish
Rams and Pigs
The Rabbit’s nature is one of contradiction, with it being social, gregarious and friendly some times, and at other times it is party wallflower.
Rabbits instinctively avoid confrontation, and scurry away at the soonest sniff. They also try to avoid getting involved in arguments and disputes.
Rabbits enjoy watching from the sidelines, while watching and listening to all, intently. They know all the latest gossip.
The Rabbit is the great breeder of the zodiac menagerie, and the Rabbit puts home and family first - although they have a tendency to travel afar, they always want to get home as quickly as possible.
Rabbits tend to live in the same place for many, many years, and dislike upheaval of any kind.
Rabbits have a wily intelligence and use it to get themselves out of sticky situations. Rabbits have a tendency to hoard things and enjoy ‘gathering’, as in shopping, shopping and more shopping.
Rabbits make great friends and excellent business partners.
Rabbits relish long-term relationships with loving parents, although they are not the most sensual of signs. Their desire is to grow and mature alongside life partner. Often, the Rabbit fears getting involved fully. Oxen and Rats are the signs best suited to the Rabbit’s ways.
Snakes would be too emotionally draining for the Rabbit, and a fellow Rabbit would be too elusive to allow themselves to be caught.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Animals of the Chinese Zodiac - The PIG

1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007.

9pm to 11pm  (20: to 22:59)

Lucky for:
* resting and relaxing
* meditating and yoga
* reflecting on what you've achieved that day
* reading for enjoyment

good natured, easy going, creative, intelligent, generous, helpful, home-loving, mothering, social, good fortune, lucky in life.

materialistic, naïve, superficial, judgemental, greedy, lazy, stubborn.

Rabbits and Sheep


People born under the sign of the Pig are creative, intelligent and content to take the world as they find it.  They are non-judgemental and are most happy with the simple things in life.

Pigs are most happy to use their vast intellect to assist others, and are generous in both their time and efforts.

Pigs often enjoy a lively social life, but are most happy to return to their comfortable homes to rest and relax.  The Pig is so ‘home-loving’ in fact, that they can become over-anxious about finding the ideal partner to settle down with.

The family is central to the Pig and they enjoy playing a central role in family and domestic activities … even after the piglets have long left the sty.


Pigs and Rabbits make a good match, and Dragons, who choose a ‘quieter’ lifestyle than usual, make perfect partners for the Pig.  The Snake and Pig communicate on different levels, so would not find common ground, and the Horse is too flighty for the Pig’s laid-back pace.


Animals of the Chinese Zodiac - The DOG

1919, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.

7pm to 9pm  (19:00 to 20:59)

Lucky for:
* happy and safe travel
* romance
* spending time with friends
* making a budget

loyal, protective, fearless, devoted, friendly, unselfish, optimistic, preserving, strong-minded but amiable, persistence, intelligence and know-how, helpful, loyal, caring, resourceful, honest, deep, blessed.

anxious, cynical, pessimistic, withdrawn, nervous.

Tigers and Horses

Dragons and Rams

The Dog is known to be loyal, protective and loving, although when need be, they can be fearless and fierce.

Dogs have a tendency to get involved in things without thinking of the consequences of their actions.  They want to bound ahead without hesitating to go over details or plans.  They want instant results, so jump in head first.

Dogs are honest and straight-forward and have a watchful, anticipatory nature.  They most often come across as placid, but they are generally restless underneath.

Dogs make wonderful friends and generally have many in their lives.  They seldom have enemies  -  but when they do, they are formidable foe.

Dogs are demonstrative in showing their affections and do not shy away from a reciprocated display.

Dogs are optimistic to the point of sometimes being over-opimistic, leading to disappointments.


Dogs and Tigers often enjoy passionate affairs and sizzling relationships, but Dogs and Pigs are most suited long-term.

Rats are too nervous for the sociable Dog, and the Ox and Dog would clash to no end.


Animals of the Chinese Zodiac - The ROOSTER

1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005.

5pm to 7pm  (17:00 to 18:59)

Lucky for:
* clearing the air and getting things off your chest
* socializing and reunions
* hobbies
* re-inventing yourself (eg getting a new hair cut or style)

leadership, new opportunities, achievements, over-confident, competitive, extrovert, friendliness, flamboyant, proud, colourful, courageous, punctual, passionate, industrious, resilient, protective.

rude, boastful, conceited, domineering, bossy, aggressive.

Oxen and Snakes


Those born under the sign of the Rooster are natural leaders, and are always alert to new opportunities to their advantage.  Most often they are the first to see any hiccups on the horizon and do their best to amend or avoid them.

Others may view the Rooster as over-confident, cock-sure and quite the vocal braggart … and this they are!

The Rooster is sometimes abrasive and over-competitive which can put them at odds with others very quickly.

The Rooster is determined to achieve its goals, regardless of any unforseen obstacles.

Roosters work diligently as both employers and employees, always with their own gain in mind.

The Rooster has a tendency towards extravagance and like to ‘strut their stuff’ to all and sundry.  The Rooster shines at social occasion and likes to dress and behave according to their nature  -  which is as the extrovert.  The Rooster is a natural show-off.


The Rooster is a great match for the easy-going Pig.  The Rooster with another Rooster will initially tussle for dominance, but once established, the home environment settles to one of harmony.  Roosters and Dog are not an auspicious match, and a relationship with a Rabbit won’t last the distance.


Animals of the Chinese Zodia - The MONKEY

1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004.

3pm to 5pm  (15:00 to 16:59)

Lucky for:
* finances  -  the perfect time of the day for money-making deals
* getting married
* making long-term commitments

restless energy, agile, audacious, activity, flirtatious, manipulative, quick intelligence, wit, energetic, resourceful, versatile, clever, persuasive, funny, sociable, interfering, hyperactivity, charming characters, success, communication, networking.

sneaky, lying, sly, superficial, impudent, indolent.

Dragons and Rats


Monkey’s natural exuberance, constant activity and generally catches up with them in the forms of fatigue, exhaustion and lack of motivation.

Monkeys, although always on the go, are great fun to be with and are enthusiastic about life, have times where their insecurities rear, plunging them into depression.  This doesn’t last for long though, as their irrepressible sense of fun soon re-emerges.

Monkeys can be outrageously flirtatious and manipulative, and know exactly what they are doing at all times.  They know what they want and usually get it.

Monkeys are on the go for days on end, then slump to gather their energy to start all over again.

They have a tendency to want to meddle and interfere with other’s lives, but usually have good intentions at heart.

The Ox will put up with the Monkey’s hyperactivity, and the Rat can also be compatible proving to be good partners.  Horses and other Monkeys whip up too much energy to ever settle down together.


Animals of the Chinese Zodiac - The RAM

1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003.

1pm to 3pm  (13:00 to 14:59)

Unlucky for:
* signing contracts
* agreeing to proposals
* taking risks
* scheduling engagements

methodical, orderly, conservative, successful, realistic, balance and harmony, patience, research, the host, home-loving, control, controlling, planning, social, attention to detail.

fussy, self-centred, dependent, insecure, indulgent.

Rabbits and Pigs

Oxen and Dogs

Rams are the realists of the Chinese Zodiac.

Rams like for everything to be in its proper place, and are very orderly creatures.  They are overly methodical in everything they undertake, and plan things down to the final detail.

Rams fear failure above all else.  Being realists, the Ram sets themselves achievable targets and goals and find recurring success.  No over-ambitions for the Ram.

Rams like for things to run smoothly, and will move mountains to ensure the equilibrium for themselves, their family and friends.  To this end, Rams can be interfering and at times, meddling.

Rams can come across as a little dull and un-spontaneous.

Rams make excellent secretaries and personal assistants, as they take note of the finer details.

Those born under the sign of the Ram are often masters of the waiting game and bide their time and patience, until they consider the time is ripe to strike.

They are meticulous in all that they do.

In matters of the heart, Rams form happy relationships with other Rams (who ‘get it’) and with Horses.  Oxen are not compatible at all in the long-term and Rats are too quick for the Ram.

The Ram is a home-loving creature who loves nothing more than playing host in their well-furnished homes.  Not only do they enjoy the company of others, but they also like to display the homes they’ve made for themselves.

Rams make wonderful friends, but can be initially cautious and wary.


Animals of the Chinese Zodiac - The HORSE

1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002.

11am to 1pm  (11:00 to 12:59)

Lucky for:
* creativity, especially coming up with original ideas
* making fresh starts
* being adventurous
* making new friends, career connections and meeting your soul mate

practical, physically and mentally strong, loyal, steadfast, independence, sociable, team-player, athletic, vitality, energy, intolerance, determination, stealth, winner, lucky, self-reliance, will, vivacious, hard working, independent, sociable, willpower, popular, fun-loving, friendly, enthusiastic, hard-working, enduring.

selfish, vain, restless and reckless.

Tigers and Dogs


People born under the sign of the Horse are sociable, athletic and well-travelled. They have endless vitality and energy and they are able to achieve just about anything they put their minds to.  The Horse is a sign of luck and auspicious fortunes, as he likes to always be the ‘winner’.

The Horse is a loyal and steadfast friend who is willing to step in whenever he is needed, and for whatever reason.  Horses are independent, but also make for excellent team-players, although there is a tendency to want to be team-leader.

The Horse chares forward, focused on the goal ahead, but he fails to go into the finer details of the plan and has a tendency to trip up because of the unforseen hurdles in his path.

When things don’t go according to plan, the Horse will be just as hard on others as he will be on himself.

Horses are as strong physically as they are mentally, and are practical and handy.  Horses though, can develop strong prejudices and can become intolerant and selfish.

The Horse is generally of a strong constitution, and does not fall prone to colds and flus easily.

Horses, once they settle, usually form life-partnerships with the extrovert Tiger or ot-going Dragon.  Horses are not compatible with the methodical Ram nor the restless Monkey.


Animals of the Chinese Zodiac - The SNAKE

1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001.

9am to 11am  (9:00 to 10:59)

Lucky for:
* job interviews
* taking calculated risks
* financial planning
* grabbing opportunities

charming, wise but naïve, prudent, possessive, hypnotic, patience, information gatherers, super-intelligent minds, subtle, discreet, compassionate, insightful, proud, creativity, planner, originality.

manipulative, malicious, cold, possessive, indolent, scheming, contradictory.

Roosters and Oxen


The Snake is contradictory in nature and is willing to bide their time to achieve their goal.  The Snake is always planning its next move … down to the very last detail.

Snakes are intelligent and inquisitive and they gather as much knowledge and information as they can, at all times.  The Snake is always learning.

Snakes love their home and family and prefer to say as close to home as possible.  Their artistic and creative side often propels them forth. Snakes are original thinkers.
Sometimes the Snake’s judgement can be under-balanced and their views warped  -  not that they will ever acknowledge this to themselves or anyone else.

Snakes crave love and affection, and are well-matched with the Dragon and the Dog.  The Tiger may prove to be too prone to betrayal for the Snake, whilst the Rat may be inclined to play with the Snakes emotions.